My Journey With Intuitive Art

My Journey With Intuitive Art

Ones journey with meditation has been, well a journey in its self!
My first experience attending a meditation was in 2016 at a local Buddhist Centre, having an expectation to sit in silence for long periods of time. The class turned out to be theory based with two fifteen minute meditations in-between. Loved every bit of the practice, allowing myself to watch the thoughts rather than interacting with them in my mind, one found some calm in the practice and with time felt the health benefits from meditation, mostly being guided with body scans & affirmation. As time has advanced one has learned other meditation techniques and the journey continues.
Meditation often brings up triggers, parts of us that may need healing and random information that is actually not very useful. Meditation also brings up wisdom, clarity & most excellent ideas!
As we allow this time to be at one with our soul, we can over time pick and choose which thoughts we want to entertain! Moments when its pure bliss of just sitting there with nothing to entertain is most beautiful & peaceful! Fully recommend this practice to all and serves a most excellent & divine purpose to our every day lives.
Let's talk about intuitive art, a doodle, a pattern or a sketch!
When we draw, we are most fully in the moment & very present! One is talking about drawing with no thought, doodling & making patterns across a page, allowing your mind and pen to just move across a page and go on a journey with your soul.
This practice, one has come to understand to be a most beautiful meditation! Starting out in 2015 as an artist myself, I found a philosophy book by the great & late Alan Watts (The name of the book escapes my mind) The book had a page, with what he called frequency patterns, coral shaped lines moving across the page! These images found a place in heart & so my journey began.
When we sit in silence or listening to our preferred music, with the pen and paper... This is a conversation with your soul, a humbling chit chat with god, the divine and your higher self! Allowing the pen to move through triggers that may come up, you are releasing this tension onto the page.
As you become more advanced with an intuitive art style you will start to notice an individual technique, your very own unique style come through and this gets even better over time. Not only are you benefiting from a meditation with your self, you get to find out most extrodinary images made by you! Its a most satisfying feeling and ones gets to witness ancient, tribal and organic patterns made by your hand.
The practice, like other's in life takes time... but at the same time there is no rules - its a true form of expression on a page that is only unique to you! The artist, that has also just benefited from a meditation & some quality time with your self.
So much love to all & thank you for reading this article! Feel welcome to check out some art from my Website & Instagram.. hopefully this will inspire you!
Keep an eye out on my social media pages for intuitive art workshops that I run... and if you feel called, come & join the flow!
Big Love
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